Friday 15 January 2016

amazing children

31 years of paediatric nursing and still one child can touch your heart in such a way you cry on the way home. I have been truly blessed to choose my profession, mind I wanted to be an adult nurse but I got persuaded to do a few shifts on the baby ward by the Manager Miss Jones.
Never having much experience with actual babies (I was a nursery nurse as well but 3-5 year olds were my specialty) I was a bit anxious but soon realised this was my forte. I'm not your average coo over babies, my colleagues would agree whole-heartedly. But babies really are a lot of common sense a hefty bit of good basic knowledge and a gut feeling when something isn't right. You learn to listen to your mothers worries about their baby, you learn to use your eyes for tale tell signs of something just not right.
I was right 100% slap bang in the middle of what I was good at, what I needed and I loved it. These days I look after lots of different ages and today was teenagers and one child who was so brave and so lovely I had a little tear at their amazingness.
I guess the day when the kids stop making me feel this way is the day I should leave and get a job in a cafe!

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