Saturday 2 January 2016

Today was a housework frenzy after the Christmas nonsense.! I was well into it when Danielle came home to say her back windscreen has smashed! Quite proud she never made a huge crying fuss about it as my girls often can do!
Spent a while sorting out her insurance etc and had to have the ex husband over to patch up her car until they can mend it.... he is very good with anything like that.
The drive looks like a scrap yard now!

We have some friends we met several years ago, I met Dan in Salsa classes and he met his husband Paul a couple of years back and they got married last year. I was their witness. Such an honour. Luke was Dan's friend from uni and we seem to have just fell into a really lovely genuine happy friendship that sometimes I wonder why are they our friends? We are so much older and they seem so much cooler than us, I hear Luke saying yes we are. He got married to Carrie last year and we went to his wedding too.
We went bowling and then to chiquitos for dinner.
I lost as normal.
I did have the bars up... One throw I manged to get none even with the bars up! Second throw I dropped and it rolled backwards to wards Luke, he was laughing and kicked it back to me, I tried to stop it but it rolled onto the alley very slowly until right at the last minute it too hit the gulley at the top and I had a score of nil.
They couldn't stop laughing
Back home now. Just finished off the Christmas Advocat. Amazing stuff. When I was pregnant I was sick like Princess Kate was... spent loads of time on a drip.
But I could drink advocat,,, loads of it. Weird. Both girls like it too.
Think thats Christmas finally finished though!
Next year will be so exciting.. this year SHOULD be a good one... but lets see. xx

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